Various Companies

Social Media

Social Media for Pandora
A good portion of my design work at Pandora/SiriusXM was dedicated towards helping design assets for social media. Social media designs spanned platforms from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok. Most of these
My Contributions
social designs followed similar templates in order to stay in line with social media best practices how there was also alot of flexibility for creativity and pushing the envelope from a design perspective.
What I Designed
Most of the assets I designed for Pandora and SiriusXM were repurposed assets that I would resize and scale for different social platforms however there was a good number of social media assets I was able to design from scratch. A good portion of the deliverables were for
My Contributions
Instagram which not only included designs for regular 1x1 square posts but also for Instagram stories which follows a 9x16 dimension. Additionally there were main scenarios where I was asked to help out the motion team and helped with light animation work.
Salted Stone Social
At Salted Stone I helped with the occasional social media banner that either was designing internally for the company itself or for our various clients. All Salted Stone banners at to be on brand had less room for flexible design however many client projects were slightly more open ended in many cases.
Pandora Heritage Month Campaigns
Similar to the Home for the Holidays, we had monthly Heritage Month Campaigns for Pandora/SiriusXM. The goal of these events were to highlight many of the unique and culturally diverse music artists located on both Pandora and SiriusXM music platforms. These events were worked on by the Brands team and I
My Contributions
would occasionally get pulled in to help develop event mockups in order to help upper management pick and choose the strongest ideas from Brands team. Though my designs were not always selected, I helped the team flesh out the best ideas and contributed to the messaging and improvement of campaigns.
Giving Assistant Social
Giving Assistant was my first full-time graphic design job and so this was my first experience working on social media for a company. Most of the social design work was created for platforms like Facebook and Instagram where we advertised our latest cash back deals and
My Contributions
promoted Giving Assistant's unique charitable giving feature, enabling users to donate their cash back earned from online shopping, to a charity of their choosing.