Various Companies/Personal Projects

Web & UI Design

Personal Web & UI Projects
Over the course of several years I have dedicated time on the side to work on further developing my Web and UI design skills by creating "fake" companies that I would design from scratch. During my process I will
My Contributions
do research on companies that represent a certain sector of the job market and design something that would fit within that industry. These projects can take anywhere from a few days to weeks to complete.
Jones Logistics (Client Work)
Jones Logistics was one of several clients I worked with during my time at Salted Stone. They were in need of a total revamp of their company website and wanted to create something more modern and professional.
My Contributions
I worked alongside several other designers and was tasked with designing their Blog, About and Contact Pages respectively. Website Link
Emnify (Client Work)
Emnify was another brand I worked with during my time at Salted Stone. They were in need of a total redesign of their website and wanted us to create something cutting edge and reflected their IOT Sim
My Contributions
Card business. Again i worked with several other designs on this website as it was a massive undertaking but I was responsible for the Premium Support, About and the Contact webpages.
MYX (Client Work)
MYX was another client I worked with at Salted Stone. MYX is a higher education hybrid, combining online career ready bootcamp programs with the experiential learning that comes with travel.
My Contributions
I worked with them on building out a landing page for users to sign up to their Newsletter as well as designed their Newsletter template.